Here is a selection of the projects for consideration:

  1. The ropes of hope

To halt the decline of the coral reefs of the Mafia Island Marine Park and surrounds, which have been damaged by multiple bleaching events over the years and more recently by unsustainable fishing practices, and to help regenerate this wonder of Nature to its full former splendour.

We are in the process of establishing large scale nurseries to serve as living gene banks, conserving genetic variability, but our plan is to approach the coral reef ecosystem of the park holistically, by including the local communities that live in the park and who depend on the natural resources of the park.

Want to learn more?

2. Oceano Azu

In order to gain its space globally, the Oceano Azul Foundation has chosen a strong idea based on its motto ‘From the ocean’s point of view’, and transformed it into three pillars of action.

Jointly these pillars will promote education, awareness, engagement, and behavioural change.

Oceano Azu will also act to further implement an innovative blue economy as well as protection and recovery of our ocean. In doing so increased democratization and the enlarged government will work to implement sustainable uses of our ocean.

3. Sea Shepherd Conservation society

We need to conserve the world’s oceans in order to protect ecosystems and species

Help to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife now by minting a unique NFT out of the Atlantis Collection!

4. The Shark Trust

Safeguarding the future of sharks through positive change. The Shark Trust achieves this through science, education, and influence.

We need to conserve the world’s oceans in order to protect ecosystems and species!

Don't be another Shark, protect them instead! Find out more here!