<aside> 👇🏼 Once you are done, submit proof here!



<aside> 💡 The whitelist will give exclusive access to a 50% discount price on the SeaHorseArmy mint!


How to get Whitelisted?

You need to complete one of the following tasks and stay engaged in our SeaHorseArmy community to earn the Whitelist. So stay active to keep your role! Once you've finished, open a ticket and submit the proof in the following channel on Discord: 🏆│be-whitelisted

1️⃣ Being an Active Member of the community

2️⃣ Submit your Fan Art and Memes

<aside> 💡 We greatly appreciate anyone coming up with creative Artwork and Memes! Even if you are not a professional or great artist, the effort will be paid off. 1 Fan art and 1 Meme is chosen on a daily basis!


3️⃣ Social Media Engagement

4️⃣ Games

<aside> 💡 Twice a week we hand out multiple whitelist spots through Game Events! This is just the start and NFT Giveaways are coming soon! Much more to follow!


5️⃣ Invites