There are three ways how you can mint SeaHorses!

<aside> 💡 You can mint on Mobile as well as on Desktop! Never click on any links in your DMs!


How to mint on your Phone?

How to mint on your Desktop?

The easiest way is to mint directly from our minting Dapp. This video walks you through the minting process. As soon as the transaction goes through, you should see a SeaHorseArmy Token in your OpenSea Account. The SeaHorse will be revealed at a later stage.

SeaHorseArmy Mint Dapp.mp4

Advanced Way - Directly from Etherscan

The most secure way is to get the Merkle-Proof of your Whitelist-Address as shown in the video and interact directly with the Smart Contract through Etherscan.

SeaHorseArmy Etherscan Whitelist Mint.mp4

Make sure to update your whitelistMint Funciton accordingly, if you want to mint more than one SeaHorse! It needs to be one transaction!

1 SeaHorse payableAmount = 0.07 ETH _mintAmount = 1

3 SeaHorses payableAmount = 0.21 ETH _mintAmount = 3

7 SeaHorses payableAmount = 0.49 ETH _mintAmount = 7